Recipe: Breakfast Tacos (for a crowd!)

Want a very handy trick up your sleeve for feeding a crowd during the holidays? 

A breakfast taco bar.

This will sit especially well with certain members of your group that might have had a little too much of the "fun juice" the night before. Or their opposite, the extra hungry cross fitters that got up at 5:30am to do "muscle ups." 

1. First, you'll want to chop and prep your topping bar by lining everything up in small bowls on your counter. If you have a cat, take care to ensure these items are not immediately knocked onto the floor.
Topping ideas include:
  • Suhey Peppers (that's why we're here, after all 😉)
  • diced tomatoes
  • chopped onion
  • avocado
  • sour cream
  • chives or cilantro for garnish
2. Next, it's time to cook up some crumbled breakfast sausage or chorizo in a skillet, and to scramble up a bunch of eggs. Maybe a dozen of them depending on how many people you have. 

3. While this is happening, have a partner get those tortillas going! 
To easily warm up a bunch of small tortillas at once (we like to use "street taco" size mini tortillas that are half corn/half flour), spread out on baking sheets.  Sprinkle some cheese on each tortilla and pop the trays in the oven at 400 degrees for a few minutes until the cheese is melted and starts to bubble.

Remove the trays and BEGIN THE BUFFET LINE! 

I used the new AI feature to suggest a title for this blog recipe.  Here are the top 3 titles it suggested. 

  • Breakfast Taco Bonanza: 10 Ways to Make the Most of It!

  • What's for Breakfast? Tacos, of course!

  • Crackin' & Stackin': 10 Tips for Making Breakfast Tacos

AI is a dork. Or maybe that's just what it wants us to think...